| Yuliia | From Latin Iulia (Julia) — "of the Julian family". The fe... | 3.33% |
| Viktoriia | Victoria | 3.02% |
| Liubov | The Old Slavic calque from Greek Ἀγάπη, "Agape," "Agapi" ... | 1.99% |
| Lidiia | From Greek Λυδία, derived from the toponym Lydia (an anci... | 1.19% |
| Sofiia | From Greek Σοφία — "wisdom, knowledge" | 0.94% |
| Yevheniia | The female form of the name Yevhen. | 0.75% |
| Liliia | The current Ukrainian dictionaries mention this name, ... | 0.75% |
| Kseniia | From Greek Ξένια, formed from ξενία — "hospitality, warm ... | 0.65% |
| Oliviia | Borrowed from Western European languages (English: Olivia... | 0.51% |
| Olesia | The shortened form of the name Oleksandr, which has becom... | 0.44% |
| Zoia | From Greek Ζωή, derived from ζωή — "life" | 0.44% |
| Iia | It is mentioned in Orthodox calendars, but the origin is ... | 0.21% |
| Nelia | The shortened form of the canonical name Neoniла. It can ... | 0.2% |
| Yevdokiia | From Greek Εὐδοκία, ... | 0.17% |
| Feodosiia | From Greek Θεοδοσία, formed from θεός ("god") + δώς ("gif... | 0.16% |
| Lesia | The shortened form of the names Oles, Oleksandr. The fema... | 0.16% |
| Silviia | The name 'Silviia' is derived from the Latin word 'silva,... | 0.12% |
| Emiliia | From Latin Aemilia — "of the family of the Aemilii." The ... | 0.11% |
| Ninel | The name created during the early Soviet period (1920s–19... | 0.11% |
| Lolia | The name 'Lolia' is of Slavic origin and is often conside... | 0.08% |
| Orysia | The folk form of the canonical name Irina is a descriptio... | 0.04% |
| Motria | The folk form of the canonical name Matrona, Motrona. | 0.04% |
| Korneliia | From Latin. Cornelia - "of the Cornelii family." The femi... | 0.03% |
| Lybid | Lybid is the name of the legendary sister of the founders... |
| Lukiia | Derived from Latin Lucia, the feminine form of the Roman ... |
| Lukretsiia | From Latin Lucretia — "of the Lucretii lineage." The name... |
| Lelia | From "Lelya" - the name of the youngest of the Rozhanitsy... |
| Kykyliia | From Latin Caecilia - "from the family of Caecilius". A R... |
| Yudyt | The name Yudyt is derived from the Greek Ιουδιθ, which co... |
| Yevfrosyniia | From Greek Εὐφροσύνη, derived from εὐφροσύνη — "joy, merr... |
| Ester | From Hebrew אֶסְתֵּר, "Esther". The meaning of the name ... |
| Doroteia | From Greek Δωροθέα, formed from the words δῶρον ("gift") ... |
| Hlykeriia | From Greek Γλυκερία, derived from γλυκερός — "sweet". The... |
| Olimpiia | From Greek. Ολυμπία. Female form of the name Olympiys. |
| Volia | A neologism derived from the common noun "volya," meaning... |
| Pivoniia | Peony |
| Pulkheriia | From Latin Pulcheria, derived from the adjective pulchra ... |
| Rostunia | Rostunia is a Ukrainian name that signifies growth and fl... |
| Roshel | Probably of French origin — from the French Rochelle — li... |
| Rut | The name 'Rut' is derived from the Hebrew רוּת (Ruth), w... |
| Viryneia | From Latin virens — "green," "young," "fresh," "flourishi... |
| Solomiia | Solomiia is a feminine name of Ukrainian origin. It is de... |
| Solomoniia | Solomoniia is a feminine given name of Ukrainian origin. ... |
| Sonia | The shortened form of the name Sofia is Sonia. |
| Virhiniia | From Latin Verginia, Virginia - the feminine form of the ... |
| Tsetsiliia | From Latin Caecilia — "of the family of Caecilius." A Rom... |
| Teklia | The folk form of the canonical name Thekla, which origina... |
| Fevroniia | The name 'Fevroniia' is derived from the Greek Φεβρωνία, ... |
| Felitsiia | The female form of the name Felix derived from felicitas ... |
| Vivdia | Popular form of the canonical name |
| Khivria | Folk form of the canonical Fevronia |
| Yuniia | From Latin Iunia (Junia) — "of the Junii family." The fem... |
| Yukhymiia | Folk forms of the canonical name Yevfimiya. The female va... |
| Yepystymiia | From Greek Ἐπιστήμη, derived from ἐπιστήμη — "knowledge, ... |
| Emine | |
| Sevhil | |
| Filia | |
| Boikynia | |
| Verytsia | |
| Horlytsia | The feminine personal name "Horlytsia" has counterparts i... |
| Dobrodiia | The name "Dobrodiia" is derived from the two-syllable mas... |
| Dolia | |
| Donia | Donia is a feminine personal name that has at least two e... |
| Zoria | |
| Kniahynia | The name "Kniahynia" is an ancient Slavic feminine nam... |
| Kudria | The name "Kudria" is an unofficial Ukrainian name typical... |
| Liubytsia | The name Liubytsia is used by Ukrainians in Slovakia, the... |
| Mylytsia | |
| Myslia | |
| Ruzia | |
| Khotymiia | |
| Tsonia | |
| Chernia | |
| Evheniia | |
| Sofiya | |