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Name «Zoia»

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Images with name Zoia
З Днем Народження, Зоє!

Famous and successful with the name Зоя


Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Зоєнька Зоєнько
Зоєчка Зоєчко
Зойка Зойко


Diagram popularity of the name Zoia in the country

  • Close to 0.44% women has a name Zoia
  • Up to 64000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1951 the most were named girls with name Zoia
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1958

Dictionary meaning

From Greek Ζωή, derived from ζωή — "life"

English transliteration


Variations of name Zoia

Зоєнька, Зоєчка, Зойка



Famous and successful with the name Zoia

Images with name

Images with name Zoia
З Днем Народження, Зоє!

1 songs with name mentions Zoia

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