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Name «Yuliia»

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Images with name Yuliia
З Днем Народження, Юліє!


Map of popularity of name Yuliia
  • In these states м. Севастополь and м. Київ the name Yuliia is most popular
  • In these states Івано-Франківська and Хмельницька the name Yuliia is less popular
  • The probability that in a class of 30 people there will be a person with the name Yuliia is 0.4%

Diagram popularity of the name Yuliia in the country

  • Close to 3.4% women has a name Yuliia
  • Up to 490000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1988 the most were named girls with name Yuliia
  • Popularity is rapidly increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1975 year to 2000

Dictionary meaning

From Latin Iulia (Julia) — "of the Julian family". The feminine form of the name Julius.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Yuliia," follow these steps:1. Break it down into syllables: "Yu-lii-a." - Start with "Yu," as in "you." - Next, "lii" rhymes with "see," with a long "ee" sound. - Finally, end with "a," pronounced like "ah."Here's a brief table to guide you:| Ukrainian Letter | Transliteration | Pronunciation Example | Pronunciation Tip ||-------------------|------------------|-----------------------|--------------------|| Ю ю | yu | you | like "yu" in "you" || Л л | l | l | like "l" in "lab" || І і | ii | ee | like "ee" in "meet"|| А а | a | ah | like "a" in "father"|So, when you put it all together, "Yuliia" sounds like "Yoo-lee-ah." Practice saying it smoothly to capture the flow!

English transliteration


Variations of name Yuliia

Юлина, Юлинка, Юлася, Юла, Юля, Юленька, Юлечка, Юльця



Famous and successful with the name Yuliia

Images with name

Images with name Yuliia
З Днем Народження, Юліє!

5 songs with name mentions Yuliia


Ти моя рідненька, Юлечко маленька,
Мій соловейку, сонечко моє!
Твої хитренькі очка голубенькі

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Всі барана на свістулечки,
Платтячка в булочки,
І у "Playboy" наша Юлечка
Є, таки є.

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Голос в Любоньки,
Як в голубоньки,
Голос в Юлечки, Як в зозулечки,
Голос в Раєчки,
Як у чаєчки. | (3)

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Колискова для Юлі


Люлі, люлі Юлечку,
Сни гойдають люлечку.

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Як хлоп си пускачи

Мій пане миленький, каже ту Геленка,
Мама нас шпануї, не лізь під сукенки.
Юльця з нареченим, драґуном шаленим,
Крутисі пу залі, із лицем споченим.
Та й ду него вола: "Ше раз доокола,

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