Diagram popularity of the name Yevheniia in the country
Close to 0.75% women has a name Yevheniia
Up to 110000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 1996 the most were named girls with name Yevheniia
Popularity is gradually increasing
The name is most popular in the period from 1981 year to 1992
Dictionary meaning
The female form of the name Yevhen.
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Yevheniia," break it down into syllables: "Yev-hen-ee-ah." 1. Start with "Yev," where the "ye" sounds like "yeh" in "yes," followed by "v" as in "vat."2. Then "hen" sounds like "hen" in English.3. Next is "ee," pronounced like "ee" in "meet."4. Finally, "ah" sounds like "ah" in "father." Put it all together smoothly: "Yev-hen-ee-ah."
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