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Name «Yaroslav»

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Images with name Yaroslav
З Днем Народження, Ярославе!

Famous and successful with the name Ярослав



Diagram popularity of the name Yaroslav in the country

  • Close to 0.94% men has a name Yaroslav
  • Up to 140000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2005 the most were named boys with name Yaroslav
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1988 year to 2005

Dictionary meaning

An ancient Slavic name meaning "desperate in his glory."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name “Yaroslav,” start with "Ya" which sounds like "ya" in "yacht." Then, say "ro," similar to "row" but with a shorter "o," and follow it with "slav," where "sl" is pronounced as in "slap" and the "av" as "ahv," like in "father." So, it flows together as "Ya-ro-slav."

English transliteration


Variations of name Yaroslav

Ярик, Ярік, Ярославчик

Patronymic Creation




Famous and successful with the name Yaroslav

Images with name

Images with name Yaroslav
З Днем Народження, Ярославе!

2 songs with name mentions Yaroslav

Україна понад усе

Франко, Хмельницький і Довженко,
Сковорода, Ступка, Шевченко.
Тут Ярослава є сторінка,
Незламна Леся Українка!
Розповідали мама й тато,

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Благословенна земля

З колоссям на Поліссі в інтервал,
Нам Володимир князь тримає браму,
А мудрий Ярослав будує вал!


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