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Name «Voitekh»


Diagram popularity of the name Voitekh in the country

  • Close to 0% men has a name Voitekh
  • Up to 29 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1962 the most were named boys with name Voitekh
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing

Dictionary meaning

The name Vojtech is a very ancient Slavic compound name, consisting of two parts: the prepositional part "Voj-" (meaning "army" or "warrior") and "-tech" (meaning "enjoyment"). This name connects it to ancient Polish names such as Wojesław, Borzywoj, and Budziwoj. Therefore, it can be said that Vojtech means "one who comforts the army."In medieval Ukraine, the name Vojtech (sometimes the variant Voiсh was used) was quite popular. For example, documents mention a Cossack from the Kyiv regiment in 1649 named Voiсh Pinchuk, as well as the patronymic Voiсhovych. Other examples from historical sources include Vojtech Belokrynitsky in 1565, "having called... Vojtech Lepehu” in 1611, and Milinsky Vojtech — a Machnovist leader. Mentions of the name Vojtech are also found among Belarusians from the 16th century and among Poles from the 12th century.

English transliteration




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