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Name «Valeriia»

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З Днем Народження, Валеріє!


Map of popularity of name Valeriia

Diagram popularity of the name Valeriia in the country

  • Close to 1.09% women has a name Valeriia
  • Up to 160000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2001 the most were named girls with name Valeriia
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1992 year to 1995 and from 1997 year to 2005

Dictionary meaning

From Latin Valeria - "from the family of the Valerii." The feminine form of the name Valeriy.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Valeriia," follow these steps:1. Break it down into syllables: Va-le-ri-ia.2. For the first syllable "Va," pronounce it like "va" in "value" (using "a" like “a” in “father”). 3. The second syllable "le" sounds like "leh" (using "e" like “e” in “let”).4. The third syllable "ri" uses "ree" (using "i" like “ee” in “meet”).5. Finally, "ia" is pronounced as "ee-ah" (like "yie" in “yield” followed by "ah" as in “father”).Putting it all together, it sounds like: "vah-leh-REE-ah."

English transliteration


Famous peoples Valeriia

Валерія О'Коннор-Вілінська, Валерія Вірська-Котляр, Валерія Тарновська, Валерія Заклунна-Мироненко

Variations of name Valeriia

Валера, Валеронька, Валерочка, Валерка, Валерця, Валя Лера, Леронька, Лерочка, Леруня, Леруся



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Images with name Valeriia
З Днем Народження, Валеріє!