The ancient Slavic name Synko is derived from the anthroponym Syna, which means "son," and is also related to the names Syna from Radosin (Grk 179), the Croatian name Siniśa (Śim 308), and the Bulgarian names Sino, Synko. Such names were given to children to express the wish: "may he be a true son of his parents!" (Ilchev 451).The name Synko is first mentioned in Southern Bukovina as early as the beginning of the 14th century. For example, in 1303 it is documented: "viera pana Synkova Byrlycha" — the town of Suceava (SSUM II 409); in 1404: "pan Balica Byrlich and his brother Synko" — the town of Kamianets (SSUM II 345); in 1437: "Wayzo Synko filius" — the village of Koromlja near Uzhhorod (Nagy II 340); also in that year appears "Paulus Synka" — the village of Voinyatyno (same source); in 1422: "Stepan Synko" (Bohdan 262); in 1475 there is a mention of the serf Synko — the village of Holmovets (Szabó 365); in 1648: "Szinko Borycz" — the village of Pidplozzia (Maksay 259).Additionally, there is the patronymic "Khodko Synkovych" from 1552 (OChZ 87); "Synchenko" is mentioned in a document from 1666 (PK 75); and "Szinkulits Vaszil" from 1672 — the village of Bukivtsivka (Chu Prizvn. 515). A plural patronymic is also known from 1496: "yesmy zakoupyil ou Synkovychov" — the village of Bokovichi (SSUM II 409) and the toponym "Synkovychi" from 1478 (same source). In Poland, in 1439, the anthroponym Chodor Synowko is recorded (SSN O V 267).