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Name «Stroi»


Dictionary meaning

The personal name "Stroy" originated as a shortening of the two-root name "Stroimir" or "Stroislav," in which the verbal component "stroy" meant "to arrange," "to build," or "to prepare." The earliest recorded mention of the name "Stroy" is from the year 1400: "tosele dal' voevoda Stroevi i Ivanovi." Another record dates to 1436: "iemou i brati’am geo Malyatou i Stroi i d'ietem geo" - the city of Vaslui. The patronymic also appears in 1539: Borisko Stroe in the city of Starodub.In Ukraine, there are currently surnames Stroy and Stroyin in the Mukachevo region, and in the Berehove region, the surname Stroychak can be found. In the Svalyava district, there is a village named Stroyno.The name "Stroy" was used during the 13th - 15th centuries also in Poland, among the Czechs as "Strojek," and among Russians, Serbs, Croats, and other Slavic nations. Comparatively, the male name "Stroye" is found among Serbs in the 12th century, and the surnames "Stroją" and "Strojik" can be found among Poles.

English transliteration




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2 songs with name mentions Stroi

Сказання про Ноя

Сказав Господь Святим Духом,
А ти, Ною, слухай ухом:
"Строй ковчег, строй ковчег,
Строй ковчег, строй ковчег.

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Кант про Ноя

А ти, Ною, слухай ухом:
Строй ковчег, строй ковчег
G Hm Em
Строй ковчег, строй ковчег!

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