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Name «Shyrko»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Shyrko' is likely of Ukrainian origin, derived from the adjective root 'shyrokyi' (meaning 'wide') using the formative '-ko'. The earliest Ukrainian records of this name date back to the mid-16th century in Polissia and Podillia. For example, in 1552, there are entries such as 'Shyrko Luchnyk' and 'Shyrko Klypovets' in the city of Mozir. Additionally, in 1552, 'Mytyk Bobrovnyk Shyrko' is mentioned in the city of Vinnytsia. This name resonates with the Zakarpattia surname 'Shyrylo,' recorded in 1648 in the village of Chyiandiv: Sirilo Ferencz.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Shyrko


Посіє, посіє мак Мужик.
Твій Коханий не прийде й не жди.
Ширка, Дарниця й Зима, — сестри,
Помогли йому любов знести

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