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Name «Serhii»

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Images with name Serhii
З Днем Народження, Сергію!

Famous and successful with the name Сергій



Diagram popularity of the name Serhii in the country

  • Close to 7.04% men has a name Serhii
  • Up to 1020000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1976 the most were named boys with name Serhii
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1957 year to 1989

Dictionary meaning

The name comes from the ancient Roman family name Sergius. Its interpretation is not definitive. It is likely that the name is connected to the words "servus" - "servant," or from "servi Dei" - servant of God (referring to ancient Roman deities).

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Serhii," start with the syllable "Ser," which sounds like "sair" (with "air" as in "airplane"). Next, pronounce "hii" as "hee" (like "he" but with a longer "ee" sound). The key is to softly pronounce the "h" and emphasize the length of the "i." Here’s a breakdown using the table:| Ukrainian Letter | Transliteration | Pronunciation Example | Pronunciation Tip ||------------------|------------------|-----------------------|----------------------------------|| С с | s | s | like “s” in “sit” || Е е | e | eh | like “e” in “let” || Р р | r | r | like “r” in “error” || Г г | h | h | like “h” in “hat” || І і | i | ee | like “ee” in “meet” || Ї ї | yi | yee | like “yie” in “yield” |Putting it together: "Serhii" sounds like "Sair-hee."

English transliteration


Variations of name Serhii

Сергійко, Сергієнько, Сергієчко, Сергійчик, Сергуня, Сєрьога, Сєрьожа, Сєрго

Patronymic Creation




Famous and successful with the name Serhii

Images with name

Images with name Serhii
З Днем Народження, Сергію!

2 songs with name mentions Serhii


І танцюють всі довкола,
Олексій, Петрусь, Андрійко,
Маркіян, Олег, Сергійко,
Северин, Марко, Данилко,
Юрчик, Ромчик і Василько,

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Щоб не зійти з розуму

Допомогу армії вдвічі!
Тому розпочинаємо новий збір
На ще одного Сергія Притулу!
В нас вже є домовленості з клінікою
По клонуванню і це означає,

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