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Name «Raisa»

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З Днем Народження, Раїсо!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Раїсонька Раїсонько
Раїсочка Раїсочко
Рая Рає
Раєнька Раєнько
Раєчка Раєчко
Раюня Раюне
Раюся Раюсе
Райця Райце


Diagram popularity of the name Raisa in the country

  • Close to 0.88% women has a name Raisa
  • Up to 130000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1949 the most were named girls with name Raisa
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1960

Dictionary meaning

From Greek Ῥαΐσα. The origin of the name is unclear. It may come from Arabic رئيس‎, "raīs" — "chief, leader," or it may be a form of the Greek name Ηραΐς (Heraïs) — "of the lineage of Hera."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Raisa," start with the "R," which sounds like the "r" in "error" (it has a slight roll). Next, say "ai," which sounds like the "i" in "my" for a diphthong effect. Then, finish with "sa," where the "s" is like in "sad," followed by "a" pronounced like the "a" in "father." So, the full pronunciation would be roughly "Rye-sah."

Here’s a breakdown with tips:
- **R**: as in “error” (think of a rolled sound)
- **ai**: as in “my” (pronounced together for a smooth glide)
- **s**: as in “sad”
- **a**: as in “father”

English transliteration


Variations of name Raisa

Раїсонька, Раїсочка, Рая, Раєнька, Раєчка, Раюня, Раюся, Райця



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Images with name Raisa
З Днем Народження, Раїсо!

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