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Name «Radovan»


Dictionary meaning

The name Radovan is considered to be derived from the archaic verb "радовати(ся)", which means "to rejoice, to delight". Therefore, its meaning can be interpreted as "pleased, delighted". This name is similar to other names such as Milovan, Kokan, Poznan, and Prodan. Among contemporary Ukrainians, the name Radovan is sometimes found in the Prešov region. Over time, the suffix "o" in its form has been reduced, resulting in variants such as Radvan and Radvanko. Radovan appears in some modern dictionaries of Ukrainian names; however, it is currently popular as a traditional name primarily among southern Slavs. The name is also known among Western Slavs, particularly the Czechs and Poles, where phonetic variants such as Radvan and Radan are used. Interestingly, in the Ukrainian village of Hertsivtsi in the Mukachevo district, people no longer remember the name Radovan, but the local fields are still referred to as Radovynta and Radovynychik.

English transliteration




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