Іван Франко
Персонаж Поля
Dictionary meaning
This name can have different origins. In most cases, it comes from Pauline — the French form of the name Pavlina. It can also be a diminutive form of Apollinaria.
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Polina," follow these tips: 1. The first syllable "Po" sounds like the "po" in "pocket," where the 'o' is pronounced as "o" in "off." 2. The second syllable "lina" is pronounced "lee-nah." The 'i' is like "ee" in "meet," while 'na' is pronounced with the "ah" sound, similar to "a" in "father." 3. Put it all together: "Po-LEE-nah," stressing the second syllable slightly. So, "Polina" rhymes with "Marina," but starts with "po" like "pocket."
Форми імені Поліна описані в розділі "Пестливі звертання"
English transliteration
Variations of name Polina
Чудово личать до по-батькові :
Поліна!.. Чуєш ти, Поля?..
Бекхем, він грає, кажеш, - інші не дуже.
Поліна!.. Чуєш ти, Поля?..
Бекхем, він грає, кажеш, - інші не дуже.