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Name «Polina»

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З Днем Народження, Поліно!

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    Іван Франко

    Персонаж Поля


Map of popularity of name Polina
  • In these states Кіровоградська and Херсонська the name Polina is most popular
  • In these states Івано-Франківська and Тернопільська the name Polina is less popular
  • The probability that in a class of 30 people there will be a person with the name Polina is 0.1%

Diagram popularity of the name Polina in the country

  • Close to 0.46% women has a name Polina
  • Up to 66000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2005 the most were named girls with name Polina
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1996 year to 2000 and from 2002 year to 2005

Dictionary meaning

This name can have different origins. In most cases, it comes from Pauline — the French form of the name Pavlina. It can also be a diminutive form of Apollinaria.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Polina," follow these tips: 1. The first syllable "Po" sounds like the "po" in "pocket," where the 'o' is pronounced as "o" in "off." 2. The second syllable "lina" is pronounced "lee-nah." The 'i' is like "ee" in "meet," while 'na' is pronounced with the "ah" sound, similar to "a" in "father." 3. Put it all together: "Po-LEE-nah," stressing the second syllable slightly. So, "Polina" rhymes with "Marina," but starts with "po" like "pocket."

Форми імені Поліна описані в розділі "Пестливі звертання"

English transliteration


Variations of name Polina

Поля, Полечка, Поленька, Полюшко, Полюша, Поляша, Полюня, Полюся, Поліночкою, Паня, Панечка, Панулія, Ліна, Ліночко



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Images with name Polina
З Днем Народження, Поліно!

1 songs with name mentions Polina



Поліна!.. Чуєш ти, Поля?..

Бекхем, він грає, кажеш, - інші не дуже.



Поліна!.. Чуєш ти, Поля?..

Бекхем, він грає, кажеш, - інші не дуже.

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