The East Slavic personal name Peredmyr is reconstructed based on the name of the village Peredmyr, documented in 1463 in the Volhynian Land (the city of Vilna), as well as the Polish-Latin record of the anthroponym from 1431, Przedmirus de Lyssowo. The name is composed of the noun component -myr and the prefix pered-, similar to related Polish names such as Przedbor, Przedmir, Przedpelk, Przedstaw, Przedwoj, Przedwuj, etc. In Serbian, corresponding names include Predimir and Predislav.The name Pereksta, less commonly known as Peresta, is a newer Ukrainian name of nickname type, formed by truncation and suffixation from the dialectal verb “perekotyty,” meaning ‘to convert from one faith to another.’ The earliest mentions of this name date back to 1680: serf Peresta Demko from the village of Lysiche and 1699: kenez Peresta Yanosh from the village of Oblaz. In Polish, similar formations include Przekrzta and Przechrzta, which are recorded in medieval writings.