To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Omelian," follow these tips based on the Ukrainian letters:1. Start with "O" (О о), pronounced like the "o" in "off." 2. Next, say "me" (Ме) with a short "eh" sound, as in "let," followed by a clearer "ee" sound for the letter "I."3. Then, proceed to the "lyan" part. The "л" is pronounced like the "l" in "lab," and the "ян" combines the sounds "ya" (Я я) as in "yacht" and "n" (Н н) as in "no."Altogether, stress the first syllable: "O-me-lyan" (Oh-meh-lyahn), smoothly blending into a single flow. When saying it, keep the "O" short, and let the "lyan" feel softer.