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Name «Omelian»

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Images with name Omelian
З Днем Народження, Омеляне!


Diagram popularity of the name Omelian in the country

  • Close to 0.01% men has a name Omelian
  • Up to 1000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1947 the most were named boys with name Omelian
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1963

Dictionary meaning

The name 'Omelian' translates from Ancient Greek to mean "one who flatters" or "pleasant in speech."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Omelian," follow these tips based on the Ukrainian letters:1. Start with "O" (О о), pronounced like the "o" in "off." 2. Next, say "me" (Ме) with a short "eh" sound, as in "let," followed by a clearer "ee" sound for the letter "I."3. Then, proceed to the "lyan" part. The "л" is pronounced like the "l" in "lab," and the "ян" combines the sounds "ya" (Я я) as in "yacht" and "n" (Н н) as in "no."Altogether, stress the first syllable: "O-me-lyan" (Oh-meh-lyahn), smoothly blending into a single flow. When saying it, keep the "O" short, and let the "lyan" feel softer.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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Images with name Omelian
З Днем Народження, Омеляне!