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Name «Olha»

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Images with name Olha
З Днем Народження, Ольго!


Diagram popularity of the name Olha in the country

  • Close to 4.95% women has a name Olha
  • Up to 720000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1983 the most were named girls with name Olha
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1949 year to 1961 and from 1972 year to 1988

Dictionary meaning

From Old Norse Hélgi, Hélga, formed from helgi — "consecrated," "holy." The female form of the name Oleg.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Olha," start with the first syllable, "Ol," which sounds like "ole" in "sole," but make it a bit quicker. The second syllable, "ha," is pronounced like "huh," but softer, almost as if you're gently exhaling. Here’s a breakdown using your table: - **О** (o): pronounced like "o" in "off" - **л** (l): pronounced like "l" in "lab" - **г** (h): pronounced like "h" in "hat" - **а** (a): pronounced like "ah" in "father" So, when putting it all together, it sounds like "O-l-hah."

English transliteration


Variations of name Olha

Оля, Оленька, Олечка, Олюня, Олюнька, Олюненька, Олюнечка, Олюньця, Олюся, Олюська, Олюсенька, Олюсечка, Олюта, Олютка, Олютонька, Олюточка, Люся, Люсенька, Люсечка, Леся, Льоля, Льоленька, Льолечка



Famous and successful with the name Olha

Images with name

Images with name Olha
З Днем Народження, Ольго!

3 songs with name mentions Olha

Києву з любов'ю


Завжди велося так аж з Ольги й Ярослава,
Що мудрістю й талантом наш град не зубожів.
Живи завжди наш, Київ, хай буде чистим небо

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Найкрасивіша у світі жінка,
То є українка!
За нашими плечима Ольга Княгиня,
Як і кожна із нас Берегиня!

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Як з Бережан до Кадри

Коханую дівчину. |

"Прощай, моя Олюсю,
Дівчино чорнобрива,
Нас нині розлучає |(2)

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