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Name «Oleksandra»

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З Днем Народження, Олександро!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Леся Лесе
Саня Сане
Санька Санько
Сандра Сандро
Санда Сандо


Diagram popularity of the name Oleksandra in the country

  • Close to 1.09% women has a name Oleksandra
  • Up to 160000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 2001 the most were named girls with name Oleksandra
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1989 year to 1999 and from 2001 and the year to the present

Dictionary meaning

From Greek Ἀλέξανδρα - "protector of people," an epithet of Cassandra. The feminine form of the name Alexander.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Oleksandra," start with "O" like the "o" in "off," followed by "le" as in "let." Next, say "k" like in "kit," then "san" with an "a" like in "father." The last part is "dra," where "d" is like in "dog," and "ra" has an "a" as in "father" again. So it goes: "O-lek-san-dra."

English transliteration


Variations of name Oleksandra

Леся, Саня, Санька, Сандра, Санда



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Images with name

Images with name Oleksandra
З Днем Народження, Олександро!

Products with name Oleksandra

2 songs with name mentions Oleksandra


Олександра з ніг на голову
Життя перевернула!
Олександра заманила, спокусила,

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Легенда про вічне життя

І сказала, який в нім лежить заповіт.
А як ніч надійшла, вона тихо пішла,
Олександру в вино трути-зілля влила.

Занедужав король, важко стогне, кричить,

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