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Name «Nina»

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Images with name Nina
З Днем Народження, Ніно!

Famous and successful with the name Ніна



Map of popularity of name Nina

Diagram popularity of the name Nina in the country

  • Close to 1.65% women has a name Nina
  • Up to 240000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1947 the most were named girls with name Nina
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1962

Dictionary meaning

The name "Nina" comes from the Georgian name ნინო (Nino). The origin is not entirely clear; it may be derived from the element of the names of Sumerian goddesses "nin," meaning "lady" or "mistress." Also, Nin (Greek: Νίνος, Νῖνος) is the mythical founder of Nineveh. Among Ukrainians of Georgian descent, the form Nino is also used. Additionally, Nina may have Western European origins (Nina), being a diminutive of the name Antonina.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Nina," start with the first syllable "Ni" which sounds like "nee," similar to "ee" in "meet." The second syllable "na" is pronounced like "nah," as in "a" in "father." So, together, it is pronounced "nee-nah."

English transliteration


Variations of name Nina

Нінка, Нінок, Нінуха, Нінон, Нуня, Нуся, Ніночка, Нінушка, Нінуля, Нінуська, Нінусік, Нінель, Нінуся



Famous and successful with the name Nina

Images with name

Images with name Nina
З Днем Народження, Ніно!

2 songs with name mentions Nina

Через Наше Сельце везли Клен Деревце

А з того Деревця строїли Церковцю
А в тії Церковці Три Свічечки Ясні
Перша свіча ясна то Ніночка Красна
Друга свіча ясна то Ганнуся Красна
Третя свіча ясна то Улянка Красна

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Пародія на "Мертві бджоли"

Навіть Злотник Саша,
Квасить Бобул і Кудлай,
Шестакова Нінка,
Лиш не квасить Мозговий -
Ой, болить печінка!

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