Dictionary meaning
A name of Greek origin that means "victor" or "victory."
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Mykyta," follow these tips based on the Ukrainian letters: 1. **My** - The first syllable "My" is pronounced like "mee" (Ми) with a soft, elongated "ee" sound, as in "meet." 2. **ky** - The "ky" sounds like "kee," with a sharp "k" followed by the long "ee" sound (Ки). 3. **ta** - The final syllable "ta" is pronounced with a short "a," like "tah" (Та), similar to the "a" in "father." Putting it all together, say "Mee-kee-tah," ensuring each syllable is clearly articulated.
English transliteration
Variations of name Mykyta
А як ішла я додому,
Був же день біленький,
А там Хедор та Микита -
То мої миленькі.
Ой, у мене перед хати
Тра-ля-ля, ля-ля-ля-ля! | (2)
Від докторів – до Микити,
Бо він знає, що робити!
Тра-ля-ля, ля-ля-ля-ля!
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