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Name «Liliia»

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З Днем Народження, Ліліє!

Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Лілея Лілеє
Ліля Ліле
Ліленька Ліленько
Лілечка Лілечко
Ліка Ліко
Лія Ліє
Лілюся Лілюсе


Diagram popularity of the name Liliia in the country

  • Close to 0.75% women has a name Liliia
  • Up to 110000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1973 the most were named girls with name Liliia
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1964 year to 1975 and from 1979 year to 1982 and from 1984 year to 1987

Dictionary meaning

The current Ukrainian dictionaries mention this name, but if they do, it is only in the form of Liliya (Beley 98) or Liliiana, associating it with the Western European Liliana, which comes from the Latin word "lily" (ESUM 3 261). Onomastic dictionaries of other nations present this name according to the national pronunciation of the corresponding flower name. For example, the Bulgarian name Liliya (Ilchev 303), the Croatian name Lilija (Śim 194).

The name Lileya was used by Taras Shevchenko in 1846 for the heroine of his poem "Lileya." The name indeed originated from the name of the flower lily (Latin Lilium). Leading Russian onomastic dictionaries recommend using the name Liliya.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Liliia," follow these steps:

1. Start with "Li" sounding like "Lee" in "leek." The "і" is pronounced like the "ee" in "meet."
2. Next, say "li" again, also as "lee."
3. Finally, end with "ia," pronounced as "yah," similar to "ya" in "yacht."

Putting it all together, it sounds like "LEE-LEE-yah." Remember to keep the 'i' sounds clear and distinct, giving "Liliia" a melodic flow.

English transliteration


Variations of name Liliia

Лілея, Ліля, Ліленька, Лілечка, Ліка, Лія, Лілюся



Images with name

Images with name Liliia
З Днем Народження, Ліліє!

3 songs with name mentions Liliia


Ле-ле-ле, Лілеє, ле-ле-ле, Лілеє,
Ле-ле-ле-ле, Лілеє Ламм...
Колише вітер твої квіти,

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Поглядом лиш повернеш,
Квіткою кличу тебе,
Іменем цвіту весни - Лілея!..


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До білого пониклого
Личенька Лілеї.
І заплакала Лілея

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