Diagram popularity of the name Lidiia in the country
Close to 1.19% women has a name Lidiia
Up to 170000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 1947 the most were named girls with name Lidiia
Popularity is gradually decreasing
The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1959
Dictionary meaning
From Greek Λυδία, derived from the toponym Lydia (an ancient state in Asia Minor).
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Lidiia," start with "Li," which sounds like "lee," as in "see." The second part, "diia," is pronounced "dyee-ah," where "dy" sounds like the beginning of "yes" but with an exaggerated "ee," and "ah" is like the "a" in "father." Putting it all together, it flows as "Lee-dyee-ah."