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Name «Leonid»

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Images with name Leonid
З Днем Народження, Леоноде!


Map of popularity of name Leonid

Diagram popularity of the name Leonid in the country

  • Close to 0.79% men has a name Leonid
  • Up to 110000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1950 the most were named boys with name Leonid
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1966

Dictionary meaning

The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Greek name Leonidas, which translates to "similar to a lion," "son of a lion."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Leonid," start with the sound "Le," which is pronounced like "ye" in "yes" (Є є). Then, for "o," use the "o" sound as in "off" (О о). Next, say "ni," which should sound like "nee" as in "meet" (І і). Finally, conclude with "d," which is like the "d" in "dog" (Д д). So it flows as "yeo-nee-d."

English transliteration


Variations of name Leonid


Patronymic Creation




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Famous and successful with the name Leonid

Images with name

Images with name Leonid
З Днем Народження, Леоноде!

2 songs with name mentions Leonid

Іво Бобул


А що ж це за чувак взагалі? Леонід Буряк? Ні!
Павло Зібров? Ні! Сергій Ребров? Ні!
Кіркоров Пилип? Ні! Лікар Ойболить? Ні!

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І вже скоро з тобою ми раптом прокинемось вранці,
А Верховная Рада приймає про власність закон.
І стоїть на трибуні Кравчук Леонід в вишиванці.
І останній совітський солдат перетнув наш кордон.

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