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Name «Larysa»

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Images with name Larysa
З Днем Народження, Ларисо!


Map of popularity of name Larysa

Diagram popularity of the name Larysa in the country

  • Close to 1.87% women has a name Larysa
  • Up to 270000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1968 the most were named girls with name Larysa
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1958 year to 1973

Dictionary meaning

The origin is unclear: whether from the name of the Greek city Larisa (Λάρισα, Λάρισσα), or from the Greek λάρος ("seagull").

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Larysa," start with the sound "La," where the "a" is pronounced like "ah" in "father." Then, say "ry," with "r" rolled lightly, followed by "sa," where the "a" again sounds like "ah." So, it sounds like "lah-REE-sah."

English transliteration


Variations of name Larysa




Famous and successful with the name Larysa

Images with name

Images with name Larysa
З Днем Народження, Ларисо!

3 songs with name mentions Larysa

Одинокий солдат

А ми воювати за неньку
На самому старті!
Лариса Петрівна казала,
Що ми - роздовбаї,
Бо була сувора.


Лора, Лариса – шепочу ім'я.
Лора, Лариса – йду до тебе я.
Лора, Лариса – ти моя принцеса. } 2 рази

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Може в мене з'явиться хтось?

Марина! Гоп-стоп!
Лариса! Гоп-стоп!
Оксана! Гоп-стоп!
Валєра! Гоп-стоп!

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Одинокий солдат

А ми воювати за неньку
На самому старті!
Лариса Петрівна казала,
Що ми - роздовбаї,
Бо була сувора.

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