Diagram popularity of the name Inna in the country
Close to 1.27% women has a name Inna
Up to 180000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 1977 the most were named girls with name Inna
Popularity is gradually increasing
The name is most popular in the period from 1964 year to 1967 and from 1969 year to 1982
Dictionary meaning
Orthodox male name, currently mistakenly used as female. Martyr Inna is venerated by the Orthodox Church among the saints. The meaning of the name is unclear: possibly, it comes from the Latin inno ("turbulent stream").
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Inna," start with the sound represented by the letter "І" (i), which sounds like "ee" in "meet." Follow it with the letter "н" (n), which is pronounced like the "n" in "no." Conclude with another "а" (a), pronounced "ah" like the "a" in "father." So, "Inna" sounds like "ee-nah."