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Name «Dubrova»


Dictionary meaning

Dubrova is an ancient Slavic patronymic name that originates from the common noun "dubrova," which means 'leafy, usually oak forest.' This name was primarily given to children born in a dībrova, i.e., in the woods. Eastern Slavs have used this name since the 16th century. For example, in 1565, a peasant named Dubrova is mentioned in Hnevoshova, near Kremenets, and in 1609, Dubrova Martynets is mentioned in Zhytomyr. A similar situation was observed in Poland, where, for instance, in 1430, Jacobus et Dambrowa de Mancz are mentioned, and in 1487 — "Nobilem Dambrowam et Daczibogium de Wyschokye."In addition to being used as a first name, the lemma "Dubrova," as well as its Polish equivalent "Dombraw," was often used as a surname or patronymic. For example, in 1564, "the servant of God Prokopiy — son of Dubrovka," is mentioned, and in 1649 — Oleksa Dubrova. In the same year, a Cossack of the Poltava regiment named Ivan Dubrovenko is noted. The surname "Dubrova" is still preserved among Ukrainians today.

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2 songs with name mentions Dubrova

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Торох-торох да по Дорозі
Голос-голос по Дуброві
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Що ж то за Голос да по Дуброві

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Вже сонце красне

Боже мій, Боже, Твоє се діло. | (2)

Дуброви, гори з полонинами,
Долини, дебри, луги з ріками -
Все так принадне, всюди все ладне, |

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