Diagram popularity of the name Diana in the country
Close to 0.74% women has a name Diana
Up to 110000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 2007 the most were named girls with name Diana
Popularity is gradually increasing
The name is most popular in the period from 1998 and the year to the present
Dictionary meaning
From Latin Diana - the name of the Roman goddess Diana. In Orthodox tradition, it is not canonical.
English pronunciation
To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Diana," start with the "Di" which sounds like "dee" as in "deep," ensuring the 'i' is pronounced sharply. Next, the "ana" part is pronounced like "ah-nah," where "a" is like "a" in "father" and the "na" follows with a soft "n." So, combine these parts to say, "Dee-ah-nah."
Images with name