Diagram popularity of the name Darko in the country
Close to 0% men has a name Darko
Up to 36 bearers of the name in Ukraine
In 1949 the most were named boys with name Darko
Popularity is gradually decreasing
Dictionary meaning
The Ukrainian male name Darko has several possible origins. It may have arisen in different corners of Slavia from at least three distinct sources. One possible explanation is its derivation from the noun "dar" or "gift," which includes ancient names such as Daroslav, Darivoy, Darovan, Bohodar, Bozhidar, and Zadar. Another version suggests a possible origin from the Persian-derived calendar name Darius. There is also an opinion that the name may be related to the Greek name Todar. In Ukraine, the name Darko was not very common. One of its bearers was the Cossack of the Bilocherkivskyi regiment Darko Yarmolenko, who lived in 1649. However, in small Slovenia, there were 55 individuals with the name Dar in 1980.