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Name «Bilyk»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Bilyk' is a Slavic male name derived from the adjectival root 'bíl-' (blond or fair-haired) with the use of the substantivizing suffix '-ik'. This name can be found in many anthroponymic forms, such as Veselyk, Holik, Dobriy, Dovzhik, Malykov, Mudrik, Rozumnik, Svitlyk, Syryik, and Chornik.The earliest records of the name 'Bilyk' in Ukraine date back to the 14th-16th centuries. For example, in 1388, there is a mention of Khyrydyvid Bilyk from the village of Luchytsia, in 1403 – the anthroponym Bilyk from Galicia. In 1443, the name appears in records about the nobleman Kazaryn Rezankovych Bilyk from the village of Horodok, and in 1456 – in connection with the city of Suceava.In 1566, a resident of the Kyiv castle Bilyk Sokolnyk is mentioned, as well as in military documents from the time of 1649: Cossacks of the Bilytskyi regiment Fesko Bilyk and Ivan Bilyk, Cossack of the Uman regiment Matviy Bilyk.There are also village names Bilyky in the Yavoriv Raion of Lviv Oblast and Bilyn in the Rakhiv Raion of Zakarpattia Oblast. The lexeme 'Bilyk' was also used in Old Slovak.However, in the 15th century, the anthroponym 'Bilyk' in the Carpathians began to serve as a surname. The first mentions of the name 'Bilyk' in Poland date back to 1289.

English transliteration




3 songs with name mentions Bilyk

Пародія на "Мертві бджоли"

П'ю не тільки я один -
Вся тусовка наша,
Квасить Білик, Повалій,
Навіть Злотник Саша,
Квасить Бобул і Кудлай,

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Білик Женя

Білик Женя – не єдина,
Хто казала мені, що я - той один,
Але хлопчик її - не мій син,

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Хтось рождає вже з привітом.
А для когось однаково:
Білик, Тихий, Юнакова.

Маєм більше аніж маєм,

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