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Name «Antonina»

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Images with name Antonina
З Днем Народження, Антоніно!

Famous and successful with the name Антоніна



Map of popularity of name Antonina

Diagram popularity of the name Antonina in the country

  • Close to 0.5% women has a name Antonina
  • Up to 73000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1952 the most were named girls with name Antonina
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1960

Dictionary meaning

The feminine form of the name Antonin is Antonina.

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Antonina," follow these tips: 1. Start with "An," which sounds like "ahn" (similar to "a" in "father").2. Next, say "to," pronounced like "toe" (as in "toe").3. Then, say "ni," which sounds like "nee" (like "ee" in "meet").4. Finally, end with "na," pronounced as "nah" (again like "a" in "father").Putting it all together, you would pronounce "Antonina" as "Ahn-toh-nee-nah."

English transliteration


Famous peoples Antonina

Антоніна Немирич, Антоніна Жабинська, Антоніна Король-Мельник, Антоніна Драгашевич, Антоніна Лідтке, Антоніна Матвієнко

Variations of name Antonina

Тоня, Тося, Ніна, Тонечка, Антося, Антосенька, Антосечка, Антоська, Тонця, Тосенька



Famous and successful with the name Antonina

Images with name

Images with name Antonina
З Днем Народження, Антоніно!

1 songs with name mentions Antonina

Берегиня України

У світ закохана людина.
Завжди одна на всіх ролях –
Мрійлива пані Антоніна.
Вона і мати, і дитя,
Вона і квітка, і перлина,

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