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Name «Alla»

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З Днем Народження, Алло!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Аллонька Аллонько
Аллочка Аллочко
Аллуся Аллусе
Ала Ало
Аля Але


Diagram popularity of the name Alla in the country

  • Close to 1.05% women has a name Alla
  • Up to 150000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1967 the most were named girls with name Alla
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1955 year to 1972

Dictionary meaning

The origin is unclear, possibly from the Greek ἄλλη ("other, different"), or from the Old Germanic Alla, Alle — a shortened form of names with the element "al" ("whole, all"). In Russian, it may be perceived as derived from the adjective "алый" ("scarlet, red-orange").

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Alla," start with the short "A" sound, pronounced like "ah" in "father." The second syllable, "lla," should have a clear "l" sound as in "lab," followed by another "ah" sound. Additionally, make sure to keep the pronunciation smooth and fluid, resulting in "AH-lah."

English transliteration


Famous peoples Alla

Алла Горська, Алла Лисянська, Джиоєва Алла, Алла Кудлай, Алла Загайкевич

Variations of name Alla

Аллонька, Аллочка, Аллуся, Ала, Аля



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Famous and successful with the name Alla

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Images with name Alla
З Днем Народження, Алло!

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