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Name «Afanasii»

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Dictionary meaning

The name of Ancient Greek origin, meaning "immortal."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Afanasii," you can break it down in the following way:

1. **Афа** (A-fah): Start with the "А" pronounced like the "a" in "father," followed by "фа," which combines "ф" (f as in "foot") and "а" (ah), creating an open sound. So it sounds like "ah-fah."

2. **На** (na): Next, pronounce "на." The "н" is like the "n" in "no," followed by "а" (ah), so it sounds like "nah."

3. **Сій** (see): Finally, "сій" starts with "с" (s as in "sad") followed by "і" (ee as in "meet"), and ends with "й," pronounced as "y" in "yolk," giving you "see."

Putting it all together, "Afanasii" is pronounced as "ah-fah-nah-see" with an emphasis on a clear and crisp articulation of each syllable.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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