Names with double letters
.table-link a { color: rgb(118, 117, 117); } .favorite-heart { cursor: pointer; } { color: red; } .name-favorite-td .fa{ font-size: 30px; } /* Adjustments for table width */ .name-details { overflow-x: auto; /* Allows table to scroll horizontally on small screens */ } /* Add this media query to hide the "Meaning" column on mobile */ @media (max-width: 768px) { .meaning-col { display: none; } } | Name | Meaning | popularity |
| Hanna | Through the Greek Άννα, it comes from the Hebrew חַנָּה,... | 2.63% |
| Anna | The name 'Anna' is a variant of the name 'Hannah', which ... | 1.63% |
| Inna | Orthodox male name, currently mistakenly used as female. ... | 1.27% |
| Alla | The origin is unclear, possibly from the Greek ἄλλη ("oth... | 1.05% |
| Hennadii | | 0.61% |
| Illia | The Ukrainian version of the biblical (Old Hebrew) name E... | 0.6% |
| Violetta | From the Italian Violetta — a diminutive form of the name... | 0.29% |
| Zhanna | From the French Jeanne - the feminine form of the name... | 0.27% |
| Stella | From Latin Stella, derived from stella - "star" | 0.16% |
| Siuzanna | Western European form of the name Susanna (Italian: Susan... | 0.16% |
| Ella | The name 'Ella' comes from Western European languages (Ge... | 0.14% |
| Ivanna | The folk form of the canonical name Ioanna, which comes f... | 0.14% |
| Nonna | From Latin. The feminine form of the name Nonn (from Lati... | 0.11% |
| Rymma | Orthodox masculine name, currently mistakenly used as a f... | 0.11% |
| Emma | Widespread in Western European countries (German: Emma, F... | 0.09% |
| Susanna | The name 'Susanna' comes from Greek Σουσάννα, from Hebrew... | 0.08% |
| Bella | From Latin, Bella means "beautiful, lovely". | 0.04% |
| Vassa | From Greek Βάσσα, derived from βᾶσσα (βῆσσα) — "wooded go... | 0.04% |
| Apollinariia | The feminine form of the name Apollinarii. |
| Apolloniia | The feminine form of the name Apollonius. |
| Donna | The name may have different origins: either from the Ital... |
| Emmanuel | The feminine form of the name Emmanuel, common in some co... |
| Yovilla | Orthodox canonical name of Greek origin. Meaning is unclear. |
| Kassandra | From Greek Κασσάνδρα, derived from the words κάζομαι ("to... |
| Synooka | Slavonic — "blue-eyed" |