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Name «Zolotar»


Dictionary meaning

The conversational household name 'Zolotar' has its roots in the ancient appellative word meaning 'goldsmith', referring to a craftsman who creates artistic products and jewelry from precious metals. The use of this word as a proper name in Ukraine has been documented since at least the 17th century. For instance, in 1649, a Cossack of the Korsun regiment named Zolotar Grytskovych is mentioned. From the early 17th century, particularly from 1625, patronymics derived from this word also appear in Ukraine. For example, in 1625, the patronymic Shimon Zolotarovych was recorded - a townsman from Lutsk, and in 1652, the patronymic Zolotarennko was noted - a colonel from Nizhyn. Additionally, the village of Zolotaryovo in the Khust region was mentioned as early as the late 14th century.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Zolotar

Ой Гордий Пишний Ґречний Молодче (2)

Срібні Підківки Каміння лупають

Поїхав же він до Золотара
Ой ви Золотарчики-ви-молодчики
Скуйте змалюйте до Церкви Хреста

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