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Name «Zbyhniv»


Dictionary meaning

Zbyhnev is a Slavic personal name composed of the verb "to get rid of" (zbyć) and the noun "anger" (gniev). In Poland, variations of this name, such as Zbylut and Zbywuj, can also be found. In the Czech language, its official form is Zbyhnev, while the colloquial form is Zbynek. In Ukrainian lands, the name Zbyhnev has been documented since the late 14th century. For example, in 1399, sources mention "the evidence for that Lord, Krshchenya Sudomirski, Lord Zbyhnev, the marshal of Gniewosh, the podkomory" in the city of Lviv. Another example is the anthroponym Sbygneus, recorded in 1470. In Poland, the name Zbyhnev has been known since the 13th century.

English transliteration


