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Name «Zaiats»


Dictionary meaning

HARERecords of the anthroponym Hare indicate that as of the 16th century, this anthroponym served as a personal name of a nickname type. For example, in 1449, judge Johannes Zayach is mentioned in the village of Stara, Zemplin County. In 1552, the name Hare Lukovsky is recorded, referring to the city of Kremenets. In 1567, Hare Lukovsky is also documented. In 1593, Hare Zdenizskiy appears in the records, and in 1594 – Hare Nikon. Between 1572 and 1575, serfs with the surname Zayach are noted in the village of V. Bychkyv.In Polish, the nickname Zajęć has been recorded since the late 15th century. The name Zajec in Slovenia is noted as early as the 14th-15th centuries. It is a description of the Ukrainian name 'Zaiats'.

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Zaiats

На балконі

А оточуючим на мене байдуже.
Для дівчат в мене завжди болить голова.
Зайцем воджу в кіно їх, ну, бо грошей нема.
Файну кралю на мопед посадив і погнав.
По дорозі її я потіряв.

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Ой, нумо, нумо, заплетемо шума

Шум по дорозі зайця злякався,
Зайця злякався, в кропиву сховався.
В кропиву сховався, бороною вкрився,
Бороною вкрився, щоб не пожалився.

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