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Name «Yevhen»

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З Днем Народження, Євгене!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Євгенко Євгенче
Євгенчик Євгенчиче
Женько Женьче
Женьчик Женьчиче
Женьок Женьче
Женя Жене
Жека Жеко


Diagram popularity of the name Yevhen in the country

  • Close to 2.03% men has a name Yevhen
  • Up to 290000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1992 the most were named boys with name Yevhen
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1978 year to 1996

Dictionary meaning

The name 'Yevhen' is translated as "noble" or "distinguished."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Yevhen" correctly, follow these tips based on the Ukrainian letters:

1. Start with the "Y" sound as in "yes" (Й й) to create a brief "ye" sound (Є є).
2. Follow with "v" (В в), pronounced as in "valve."
3. Then include "hen," which sounds like "hen" in English but is pronounced with a clearer and shorter "e" sound (Е е, pronounced like "e" in "let") and a soft "h" followed by "n" (Г г, Н н).

Putting it all together, it should sound like "Yev-hen," with emphasis on a smooth transition between sounds.

English transliteration


Variations of name Yevhen

Євгенко, Євгенчик, Женько, Женьчик, Женьок, Женя, Жека

Patronymic Creation




Famous and successful with the name Yevhen

Images with name

Images with name Yevhen
З Днем Народження, Євгене!

Products with name Yevhen

1 songs with name mentions Yevhen

Гей-гу, гей-га - таке то в нас життя

Як впадеш, стрільче, в пастку чи зловишся на дріт,
На всі питання ката давай один одвіт:
Що до ОУН належав - а вождем був Євген -
Щоб слава залунала далеко ген-ген-ген...
Гей-гу, гей-га - далеко ген-ген-ген...

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