The name "Vozhena" (genitive - Bozhena) is archaic and rarely used in modern Ukrainian language. Ukrainian name dictionaries list it only among ancient terms. Currently, this name is primarily used by Ukrainians in Serbia and Croatia, as well as found among Czechs, Slovaks, and Poles, from whom it was adopted by Ukrainians in the 20th century. In 1986, among the students of the Prešov Ukrainian Gymnasium, there were girls named Drobnyak Bozhena, Terek Vozhena, and Chabala Bozhena. A notable student is Bozhena Pushkash, who was educated among the Rusyns in Yugoslavia since 1933. The Slavic name Bozhena originated among the Czechs in the 12th century, after which it passed to the Poles. It is likely derived from the archaic passive participle "bożena" with the original meaning "gifted by God" or "blessed."