The name "Voilo" is an ancient Slavic name, formed in the format -U A O, similar to names like Hostilo, Dobrylo, Stanilo. This name derives from the anthroponym "voi-" meaning "warrior, fighter." It is represented in binomial names such as Voislav, Voiteh, as well as in names like Dobrovo, Zhelivo. In old Serbian written records, the name Voilo was documented as early as the 14th century. In Bulgarian culture, the name Voil is still relevant today. In Ukraine, the name Voilo has fallen out of use, but in the 14th century, derivative patronymics from it were still recorded, such as Semen Voilovych in the town of Luchytsia. In the 17th century, only the surnames Vuilo and Voila were used in the village of Shyrokyi Luh.