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Name «Vesna»


Dictionary meaning

The name 'Vesna' has an interesting history and origin. Nowadays, it is used by women named 'Vesna' among Ukrainians in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. Under their influence, during the interwar years, this name began to be actively used by Ukrainians and Rusyns in Yugoslavia as well. Evidence of this can be seen in the names of female students at the Rusyn secondary school in the city of Šid in Srem: Vesna Lozinyak, Vesna Duranjin, Vesna Cyrba, Vesna Kreuzer, Vesna Shandor, and others.Over the past half-century, the name 'Vesna' has also been given to children by residents of Ternopil and Volyn.Slavic onomasticians believe that the name 'Vesna' originates from the name of the goddess Vesna. The name Vesna is also known among the Czechs, but they classify it as a new name of South Slavic origin, as its root 'jar' sounds similar to the Ukrainian dialectal lexeme 'yar', which means 'spring'.In the mid-16th century, this name was also given in Russia, but only to male individuals. For example, in 1545, the name Vesna Artemiev was recorded in the city of Novgorod. However, it is difficult to determine the motives behind such naming.

English transliteration




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Тоді назустріч йде Весна!

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Вже й дерева протирають очі -
Вирушаймо на зустріч цій Весні.

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І оце кільце ми мусимо спинити!
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І знову гірше... І ще одна війна...
Нема коли пожити...

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