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Name «Valerian»

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Images with name Valerian
З Днем Народження, Валеріане!


Diagram popularity of the name Valerian in the country

  • Close to 0% men has a name Valerian
  • Up to 400 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1951 the most were named boys with name Valerian
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1947 year to 1959

Dictionary meaning

It comes from the Latin Valerianus and means "of the Valerian family."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Valerian," you can break it down as follows:1. The "Va" sounds like "va" in “van,” where the "a" is pronounced like “a” in "father."2. The "le" is pronounced "leh," similar to “e” in “let.”3. The "ri" sounds like "ree," comparable to “ee” in “meet.”4. The "an" is pronounced "ahn," like “on” in “song.”Putting it all together, "Valerian" sounds like "vah-leh-ree-ahn." To ensure clarity, emphasize the second syllable slightly, and remember to pronounce the final "an" distinctly with an open "a" sound.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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Images with name Valerian
З Днем Народження, Валеріане!