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Name «Tykhomyr»


Diagram popularity of the name Tykhomyr in the country

  • Close to 0% men has a name Tykhomyr
  • Up to 59 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1977 the most were named boys with name Tykhomyr
  • Popularity is gradually increasing

Dictionary meaning

Tikhomir is an ancient Slavic double-root name. It consists of two components: the prepositional "Tikh-", expressing character traits such as "silent" or "calm", and the postpositional "-mir". This name is currently rare in Ukraine but remains traditional and widely used among Southern Slavs. Historical example: in 1649, a Cossack from the Bilozerkiv regiment was named Matyash Tikhomyrny. This name was also adopted by Hungarians, having been taken from Croats and adapted to their own language.

English transliteration


