Tsolan is a truncated South Slavic name, which may have variants such as Tsola or Tsole. This name is related to full personal names like Smoid, Smoikha, and others. It should be noted that in these names, the initial sound combination /s t/ has changed to the sound /ts/. The earliest records of the name Tsolan come from Transcarpathia, where this lexeme already served the function of a surname. For example, in a record from 1570, there is mention of Joan Czolan from the village of Kolodne in the Irshava region. In the 17th century, a kenes named Czolan Gergely from the village of Tsolanovitsya is noted. There is also a record from 1743 regarding a serf named Tsolan, and in the patronymics of 1455, Koste Tsolych from the city of Iași is mentioned. Additionally, there is a patronymic toponym Tsolanovitsya in the Svalyava region, founded in 1649.