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Name «Tryzub»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Tryzub" is a Ukrainian dual-based non-member adjective that means "three teeth." This word has a similar structure to other appellatives, such as Tryzub, Trykoza, Trykur, and Tryroz, which over time have become surnames. For example, there is the surname of the Zaporizhian hetman of 1678, Mykhailo Trylitovych, as well as modern surnames like Tryroza and Troynishchak. The earliest records of the name "Tryzub" date back to Ukrainian Nadsiania at the beginning of the 15th century. For instance, in 1416, it is mentioned: "Byali Iwan resigned the land beyond Szan Iwanowo to Tryzub"; in 1424: "Ihnathko resigned to Iwona, concerning the land of Tryzub located behind San."

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