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Name «Troian»


Diagram popularity of the name Troian in the country

  • Close to 0% men has a name Troian
  • Up to 200 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1948 the most were named boys with name Troian
  • Popularity is gradually decreasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1948 year to 1952

Dictionary meaning

The name "Trojan" has a Proto-Slavic origin and is formed from the verb "troyity" (see TROY) with the suffix -an, similar to names like "Boyan" (Svob 32; Moldanova 254; Hrk 196; Śim 346). It is also possible that the name comes from the ancient city of Troy, specifically from the toponym "Trojan," which means 'Trojans'. There is also a theory that "Trojan" is a modified medieval personal name "Trajan," mentioned in "The Tale of Igor’s Campaign." In Polish sources from the 13th to 15th centuries, the name "Trojan" was common among peasants (Bubak 302). In the Bulgarian context, the name "Trojan" was traditionally given to the third boy in a set of twins until recently (Ilchev 495). It is known that the name "Trojan" is also mentioned in the records of the Zaporizhian Cossack Troian Ivakhno from 1649 (Ostash Ind. 516). In the vast majority of Ukrainian records, the anthroponym "Trojan" appears no longer as a personal name, but as an additional designation. For example, in 1570: "Marc. Trajan" - the village of Kelechin (Belay 162); in 1570: "Paul. Trojan" - the village of Bystrytsia, among others (Chu Prizv. 560).In the work "Gens fidelissima," a serf "Trojan Istvan" is mentioned (HodGens). In Poland, the name "Troian" begins to be recorded from the 13th century, has many derivatives, and maintains its popularity until the end of the Middle Ages. For instance, in 1224: "Troian Troianouic" (SSNO V 467); in 1482: "Troyan de Drohoyow" (ibid.).

English transliteration




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1 songs with name mentions Troian

Слово о пълку І…

Де ти, грізний Святославе з храбрими полками,
Що громив поганих харалужними мечами?
Ой, були віки Трояна, літа Ярослава!
А була також Олега недобрая слава:
Сіяв стрілами розбрат (скільки жати будем?),

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