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Name «Tereza»

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Dictionary meaning

The name 'Tereza' is of Slavic origin and is a variant of the name 'Teresa'. It is a feminine name that is widely used in Ukraine and other Slavic countries. Tereza is often associated with qualities such as determination and strength. The name has historical and religious significance, being linked to several saints and notable figures throughout history. Its popularity varies across regions and cultures, but it remains a beloved name among families in Ukraine.

English transliteration




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1 songs with name mentions Tereza

Teresa & Maria

З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія |
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі. |
Wіth us, Mama Teresa, Dіva Marіa, |

Teresa & Maria

З нами Мама Тереза і Діва Марія |
Босі, ніби по лезу, йшли по землі. |
Wіth us, Mama Teresa, Dіva Marіa, |

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