The name "Tatko" has its roots in the Romanian Maramureș, specifically in the village of V. In 1542, the surname of a serf named Re was recorded (Belay 196). In 1600, in the village of Lugh in the Rakhiv region, the patronymic Jo. Tathyth was mentioned (Belay 173). This name is also known to Bulgarians, where it, along with its variants Tato, Tatyo, Tatul, and others, is associated with the full bipartite name Tatomir (Ilchev 478). The prepositional component of this name is the Slavic term for "birth father." Thus, the name "Tatko" is formed using the diminutive suffix -ko from the truncated version of the name Tatomir or directly from the affectionate term "tatko."