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Name «Synko_1»


Dictionary meaning

In the Carpathians, the masculine name "Synko" could be associated both with the Slavic term for kinship "syn" (son) and with calendar names of Greek origin, such as Semen, Arsen, or even the Ukrainian adjective "syni" (blue). The earliest known mention of the name dates back to 1552, recorded as the name of a Kaniv townsman named Synko. In 1682, the personal name "Szinku Mattyi" was recorded in the village of Bukivtsiv. It is likely that the first component of this naming refers to the local dialect form of the possessive adjective "Synkiv." There is also a surname from a serf recorded in 1715 from the village of Tyushkata in the Mizhgirya district: "Lad. Szinjak."According to the Polish historian-medievalist B. Struminski, there was another "Sinbko" in medieval Rus – a Bulgarian named Synko who served as a spokesperson in Prince Igor’s embassy during the signing of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Struminski suggests that the name "Synko" is a Bulgarian diminutive form of the Christian name (of Jewish origin) Simeon, indicating that he was the first known Christian in Rus, albeit not a Rus Christian yet.Regarding the name of the spokesperson Synko, it contains only the suffix -ko, which is Slavic. Overall, among the names of the Rus elite in the 9th century, 73% were of Germanic origin, while only 7.4% were Rus names during Igor's time. Thus, the quantitative dominance of Germanic names was substantial.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Synko_1

Над Львовом чорна хмара

Боровся за Україну, хоч був ще молодий.

Другий син України, називався Синько,
Боровся за Україну, за Вкраїнське добро.

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