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Name «Svitlan»


Dictionary meaning

The name Svitlan is a Slavic masculine name that, according to G. Pivtorak, is formed after the model of the feminine name Svitlana. This name is associated with the adjective "light" and has the suffix -an, which indicates belonging to a substantive meaning. The name first began to be used among the Eastern Slavs during the Kievan Rus period. Mentions of it can be found in sources such as the works of Pivtorak, Ilchev, Śim, and VIL. In cities such as Lutsk, Khmelnytskyi, and several others, the masculine name Svitlan started to be given to newborns since the 1980s of the 20th century. This is confirmed by studies by Skoruk and Horobets.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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2 songs with name mentions Svitlan

Малюй, малюй

Дівчинка Світлана кота малює й мишу,
Кокоси і банани, і Лондон, і Париж,
І зіроньки далекі, і рідні ліхтарі,

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Візьму телефон і скличу батальйон,
Хай в шоці буде кожен мажорний пежон!
О-о, ало! Наталя, Світлана,
О-о, ало! Каріна, Сейлін,
Но-но-но-но! Ця сукня погана,

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