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Name «Sviatynia»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Sviatynia" is an ancient Slavic masculine personal name. It is derived from the modern Zakarpattia surname "Siatynia" and ancient Slavic binomial names such as "Sviatynia," "Borynya," and "Dobryn." The surname "Sviatynia" exists today in its dialectal pronunciation and spelling as "Siatynia" in several villages of the Mizhhiria and Tyachiv districts of Zakarpattia. This name was created using a truncated-suffix method from the prepositional component of one of these names, such as "Sviatopolch," "Sviatoslav," "Sviatomir," or "Sviatovid," employing the formant "-ynia," similar to the names "Borynya," "Dobryn," and "Drahynia," among others.

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Sviatynia


Зима нам усміхається ти тільки зачекай
Нам подарує ласощі Святині Миколай
А ми усі радіємо зима зима зима
Багато гарних праздників приносить нам вона

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Живи, Україно!

Несе Україна найкращі скарби -
Шевченка призиви пророчі.
Вставай, нездоланна Святине моя,
Ти вільна, жива і співоча!
Лети, моя пісне, співай і дзвени,

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